Programs Funded

Family Assistance Minitries (FAM)

Family Assistance Ministries is a faith-based charitable non-profit organization assisting those in need in Orange County with resources for food, shelter, and personalized supportive counsel and aid, helping clients bridge the gap
from dependency to self-sufficiency. Glass Wood Charitable Foundation made our first contribution to Family Assistance Ministries in 2021.

laura’s House

The inception of Laura's House was inspired by a true story about a woman called Laura who was a victim of domestic violence.

Since 1994, Laura's House has continued to grow and offer a multitude of programs and services which provide vital support and education aimed at avoiding such tragic circumstances from ever occurring again.

Laura's House provides unduplicated domestic violence-related services to the 915,000 residents of Orange County, California and beyond. Over the past 24 years, Laura's House has provided shelter and supportive services to more than 5,000 abused women, men and children and counseling, life skills education and legal advocacy to over 55,000 persons.

Today, Laura's House continues to be the only state-approved comprehensive domestic violence agency in South Orange County. Annually, Laura's House provides residential shelter services, transitional housing, counseling and workshops, and legal services to thousands of individuals. Over 2500 crisis calls come in each year on our 24/7 Crisis Hotline.

Our target population is families experiencing the effects of domestic violence in need of emergency shelter, support, education and counseling. Laura's House operates on the philosophy that domestic violence is multi-dimensional and often cyclical in nature and must be addressed through a range of interventions. Our goal is to provide supportive service programs that will prepare our clients and their children to live independent and violence free lives, with an emphasis on education and prevention for future generations.

Waymakers Huntington Beach Youth Shelter

A nonprofit resource building safer communities by helping people find their way. Whether redirecting youth offenders, helping sheltered children get back on track, unifying troubled families, resolving community conflicts or empowering victims of violence, Waymakers clears the path so clients can advance beyond crisis.

Waymakers offers individuals, families and communities the steadiest, surest, safest pathways to promising outcomes. To clients, Waymakers is the stable home they never had. Their voice when they’re too fragile to speak. Their alternative to the juvenile justice system. Their path away from gang life, substance abuse and other destructive behavior. And their counseling support at a time of greatest need. Waymakers is their advocate, ally, voice of reason and mentor – the one who walks with them on the razor’s edge. The people of Waymakers are committed to supporting clients on their journeys and fostering lasting change and positive impact throughout Orange County.