the Early years

Born Lynnette Marie Wood was the youngest of 5 from Roger and JoAnn Wood. Her older brothers were Terry and Brian Wood and her older sisters were Kimberly and Debbie Wood. They all grew up together in a small single story house on Windsor Lane in Tustin. She remembers fondly a dog named Duke and always said that Duke was a very stubborn dog. She attended St. Cecilia elementary/middle K-8 school and later graduated in 1982 from Mater Dei High School. She had many friends from those early years she would love and keep in contact with forever. Lynnette was very athletic. A great water skier and tennis player too. She began college at Humbolt State for 1 year and then transferred to Maryland University where she graduated with a degree in Journalism in 1986. She made long lasting friends at both. Lynnette moved back to California and began a career focused mostly in the Real Estate building and lending industry working at a variety of companies including Richmond American Homes, The Buie Corporation and couple of title and mortgage companies. While working she simultaneously pursued education in Psychology and graduated in 1998 with a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology at Pepperdine University. View a gallery of her life.

Begin a Family

In 1997 Lynnette married Shane Glass and bought a house together in Laguna Niguel. In 2001 they had a beautiful baby girl (Lauren) and then in 2004 another beautiful girl (Alexandra). Lynnette was a dedicated mother always putting her children first, keeping them busy and active and engaged with the world. Helped to get them swimming, hiking and camping. She actively participated with them in art, acting and too many sports to mention. The family went RV’ing all over California. Lauren started playing Soccer which quickly became the go to weekend activity. Later Ally joined in loving soccer and many weekends were spent on soccer fields. Lynnette always gently advised them to try other sports. From the day that her girls were born until they day she passed away Lynnette put her love and energy in doing the best she could for her children. Every day, every year. She will be remembered as a wonderful mother for her two children forever.

Family Life

The house on Paseo del Campo was sold and the family purchased a new house in the community of Crest de Ville about a mile away in 2012. By now both girls were actively playing soccer and Lynnette encouraged them to try more. Basketball, volleyball, golf and Tennis. Lynnette began volunteering at Moulton Elementary school in the PTA also in classrooms, after school events and book clubs. Lynnette introduced Lauren, then later Ally into NCL (National Charity League) where all 3 girls were introduced into many of the programs that this foundation now supports. NCL worked with Laura’s house, The Shea Riding Center, Family Assistance Ministries to name a few. Lynnette continued to stay friends with those from school, some of her work friends and many new friends she met through school with the girls.


Lynnette had a way to make people around her know that she cared about them and what they had to say. She was a wonderful listener with her friends and was often first in line to lend a hand or help out. She tried many sports when she was younger and loved reading, psychology, hiking, book clubs, nutrition science and cooking. She loved to travel, particularly to Europe where she visited many countries and cities. Mostly she loved to be social with her friends. Throughout her entire life she seemed to be able to keep close contact with groups of people she knew over the years from elementary school and high school, college, each of her jobs and so many people she meet from the school years, book clubs, NCL and other Moms she met from school her children. Lynnette inherited her love of cooking from her mom, JoAnn, and was always cooking something ‘yummy’ becoming more focused on health food and eating as she grew older. She was always looking for new recipes or learning about nutrition. View a gallery of her life.

“At the memorial we provided a box and note cards for guests to write down a short memory about Lynnette that they remembered. I brought home the box and read through all the cards 2-3 times, crying through most of them and put the box in our office. A few days later the idea came to put a couple of these quotes about Lynnette on the Glass Wood Foundation Website. After I had posted a couple it seemed appropriate to put most all of them up to share with Family and Friends.”


A collection of photos beginning from Lynnette’s childhood years including family and friends forever and extending throughout her life.