Box of Memories

Here are some special memories people have in remembrance of Lynnette

  • - Kimberly (Wood) Wright

    “I have so many memories of Lynnette. The Glass and Wright families spent so much time together in Northern California & Southern California. I will always remember the 4 weeks I stayed with the Glass Family in 2020 and the sister time each day and night. I miss her terribly and think of her every day. She was empathetic, compassionate, caring and loving. And a wonderful mother. I learned from her and she made me a better person. I love you Lynnette Marie……..❤️”

  • - The Taylor Family

    “4th of July or was it New year’s Eve, at your home, setting off potato canon’s with all the kids. My first E-bike ride was with Lynnette - we had so much fun! Hugs to you Shane, Lauren and Ally.”

  • - Katie Graham

    “Lynnette has been a close friend since our girls, Ally and Kelly, were in Kindergarten. We always did so many fun things together with the kids. Lynnette was the kindest person who always looked out for all of us offering helpful tips or dropping off something to make us feel better. I loved celebrating birthdays together as we got older. I miss her so much and I wish I could call her to talk.”

  • - Christina Spiegler

    “Where do I start? I met Lynnette about 20 yrs ago. There are too many cherished memories in that time we spent together. Our girls were friends when they were little, we all spent many holidays, birthdays, Christmas’s, 4th of July parties, etc. throughout the years. No matter what she was always there for all of it. I love her and miss her terribly. We remained friends all those years. And I consider her one of my very best friends. Love you.”

  • - Julie Childs

    “Lynnette and I were leaders of our older daughters NCL class. Some of my favorite memories were planning the meetings in a way that would create bonds between the girls. One of my favorite parts of the meetings was laughing with Lynnette and sharing stories about our girls.”

  • - Shane Glass

    “6 months into dating Lynnette, I took her to play golf at Rancho San Joaquin Golf Course and she had never played nor hit a golf ball before. On the 3rd hole she holed a 25’ put on the green and proceeded to do 3-4 cartwheels across the green before sticking a landing at the cup and retrieving the ball. Yet another unknown skill she had and there were many more to learn over the next 25 years. “

  • - Elizabeth

    “I will always remember your smile and all your help during out NCL experience. Your a kind and lovely person. So lucky I was able to have you as my friend.”

  • - Kathleen Bush

    “I loved working with Lynnette at NCL events. Especially when we were wrapping all the baskets for the fashion show. We had so many laughs putting the baskets together and sharing stories of our families. I love her so much!!!”

  • - Melissa Pearl

    “Meeting you at Monday Mom’s Club gymnastics. Every week - or every other week - when the girls were tiny. And working so many of the same events. And soooo much more. You are so missed.”

  • - Rhonda Grund

    “Lynnette was a gentle and kind soul. I knew Lynette through NCL and was so blessed to volunteer & serve wither over the years. Heaven has another angel watching over us. I am so sorry for your loss - and pray for peace and health.”

  • - Anonymous

    “Carpoooling to Mater Dei She was so funny and the two sisters being sisters calling each other “Brat”. Remembering her prom dress! Love you so much!”

  • - Ellen

    “Lynnette and Kiwi and my dogs wondering around the neighborhood. Forgetting about the time - forgetting game time for kids - Laughs about forgetfulness. :>. House disasters. Always looking for her garage to open. :>” ❤️

  • - Amy Miley

    “I remember our days with the girls ice skating, going to lunch and then our time together in NCL. Lynnette was always a bright light and great friend.”

  • - Melina Pellini

    “Meeting up with your and your family in Jackson Hole Wyoming. Lynnette was a wonderful human being always had nice things to say. She will be so missed. “

  • - Linda Barry

    “My favorite memory of Lynnette is playing scrabble with friends - Remembering Lynnette’s great laugh, warm personality and kindness - a beautiful soul.”

  • - Nicole Haslinger

    “Lynnette always had a big smile to greet me and was full of compliments about Moulton Elementary School activities. She always was kind and greeted me with that big smile.”

  • - Cheri

    “When I last saw Lynnette and we had time to talk she shared feelings about her childhood and what still ‘held on’. I always will remember that day. I wish we had more talk days. “ ❤️

  • - Julie Reinhard

    “So many memories - My favorite was Feb 2021, when we went to lunch at CAVA. We talked about God and as we did, a beautiful rainbow appeared across our table. Love you and miss you! I’ll see you on the other side :>” ❤️

  • - Alison Clark

    “Lynnettes always made me feel like I was better than I think I am. She was filled with happiness, compliments and a twinkle in her laugh. I appreciated all of her advice (medicinal and herbal) and how many times she dropped vitamins by. Too many good memories.”

  • - Laura

    “Lynnette and I used to walk Kiwi and Yogi together, even though Kiwi wasn’t too sure about Yogi. Lynnette always said, “Yogi will protect us from coyotes Kiwi!”. I still look for Lynnette every day that I come home and pull into the driveway. I love you.”

  • - Amy Geiger

    “Many great memories with Lynnette. She was one of the most generous people I know. My favorite memories were meeting her for lunch or going on walks together where we could talk and support one another with life’s trails and tribulations. What a special friend Lynnette was. I miss her a lot, but a part of her will always be with me. X0X0”

  • -Cindy Pintar

    “My favorite memory with beautiful Lynnette is seeing her glowing smile each day as she walked Kiwi. She always had a kind word to share and always brought a moment of happiness to my day. She is greatly missed and treasured. :>” ❤️

  • - Leo Cid

    “My favorite memory with Lynnette was taking her to prom as friends at Mater Dei. We had so much fun and shared so many laughs together. I have loved being her friend for 40 years and miss her so much. RIP my friend til I see you in heaven. “ ❤️

  • - Maggie Avila Griffin

    “Going to Lacrosse games and practices with our girls. Even though our girls went to school since our Moulton days, I truly didn’t get to know Lynnette until they entered High School and I’m so grateful she became a friend. Lynnette was so smart and full of knowledge. I enjoyed our time together.”

  • - Paige Mclaran

    “My favorite memory with Mrs. Glass was any time I would catch her walking Kiwi when I first got Cali. She always made sure to ask me about life, update me about hers, and show me kindness beyond measure. I will never forget sitting in the living room with Shane and Lynnette last year listening to them talk about how much they loved their girls and how proud they are of them. “

  • - Irelyn Gregg

    “My favorite memory of Lynnette is when we would go to her house and she would give me craft packages to take home to do. And when we went to her pool just to have fun.” ❤️

  • - Mary&Dennis Mackenzie

    “One of our favorite memories of Lynnette was when we were visiting with her sister Kim at the beach house. We shared so many laugh and stories. She was such a sweet person!”

  • - Nancy Friend

    “My favorite memory of spending time with Lynnette was at Moulton Elementary School throughout our children childhood. We loved to talk about how busy we were during activities at school”

  • - Kristin Peterson

    “I remember how beautiful and happy Lynnette was at their wedding. So vibrant and lovely. You see her beauty in both of her wonderful daughters.”

  • - Ella Pintar

    “I first met the Glass Family when I was in 1st grade and since then they have been such a large part of my life. Whoever I would go over Mrs. Glass without a doubt would always make sure everything in my life was going well. I always enjoyed listening to all of her stories and funny memories. She is the most caring person I have ever met and a second mother to me.”

  • - Krista

    “To pick a single memory with a friendship that started so long ago (age 11) is hard to choose. We’ve grown up together from the awkward teens to now. You were my friend that always Brough a smile ad big heart and accepted goofy me. I guess I’ll share when we 1st met it was on the playground of St. Cecilia’s and I thought you beautiful with long blonde hair, beautifully boozed skin and warm smile. I wanted to be your friend and we’ve been friends ever since. I love you and miss you. “ ❤️

  • - Joan Moss

    “I have such good memories of sitting with Lynnette at all Lauren and Charlott’s soccer games. We had such great conversations. So sad she is gone. So much love to your all. “

  • - Michelle Cheron

    “Remembering all the wonderful times laughing, breaking bread and wine at book club with Lynnette. I was always so impressed with how she made complicated recipe’s for her family. Vegetarian, or something they craved. She really loved her girls deeply and put her love into her food. “

  • - Vicki H.

    “Lynnette was in book club with me for 16+ years. It was an amazing way to share laughs, tears, wine and good food together. She had an amazingly kind soul and was an unforgettable part of our group. “

  • - Ann Nyugen

    “Lynnette and I go way back to the Moulton days. She was the sweetest friend, mother and wife that I have known. She was always very willing to volunteer at Moulton. The Ngugen Family will miss you dearly.” ❤️

  • -Kathryn

    “I was new the the neighborhood and we met walking dogs. I instantly loved Lynnette - went home and told my husband I found my best friend in CDV. After that we talked all the time. Our chats int he park could be an hour, easy. She was fresh, honest, direct, helpful -everything a friend is and should be. I love her so!”

  • - Marta Cid

    “When Lynnette left for college I always kept telling her, “Lynnette come home”